Pull up helpful information on your desktop or mobile device 24x7 when you need it most. Don’t worry about carrying books around. Your electronic guide accompanies you wherever caregiving takes you and your loved one. It allows you to look up words or phrases that are relevant to your needs at any moment. All Comfort in their Journey® content (three-book series, articles, blog posts (featuring guest writers), Q&As, helpful tips, and videos) is at your fingertips and instantly searchable.

Membership also includes a discount on your first book purchase from the Comfort in their Journey® website and on your initial consultation with Trish during which she can provide personalized guidance, offer creative solutions and schedule any research needed to get you moving forward again. In addition, you can attend short Lunch and Learn sessions on specific topics and/or Q&As, with occasional surprise guest speakers and live chat with Trish. The A Cup of Comfort™ series covers a variety of caregiving topics in 30 minutes segments.

SIGNUP or LOGIN to have FULL ACCESS to all of the features listed below.


Available soon!



Things You Need to Know

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Offering Clarity and Perspective

Words matter. These articles discuss language and the way it affects not only those for whom we care but also its impact on ourselves.

With awareness and a shift in our language to be accurate and sensitive, we can thrive while stifling stigmas and change perspectives.

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Protecting Your Loved One

A patient advocate is an integral member of a care team who acts as the quarterback of a care team, coordinating the care and protecting the rights of a person in need of care.

Written by guest writer, board-certified patient advocate Roseanne Geisel.


Answers to Your Questions

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Ideas to Get You Though

Everything from a potential alternative for Ted hose to using a baby wipe warmer to warm those cold wet wipes. Things that worked for my family.


More Thoughts


All Comfort in their Journey® Content

Online access and the ability to search all of the Comfort in their Journey® content simultaneously at the touch of your fingertips.

This includes the content of the nearly 700 page Comfort in their Journey® book series, articles, blog posts, Q&As, caregiving tips and a Cup of Comfort™ videos. 

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Access to the full text of the three Comfort in their Journey® books - A Most Meaningful Life, Peaceful Endings and Through the Rabbit Hole - which offer easily accessible, practical and actionable guidance for living with Alzheimer’s and providing dignified care through end of life.

Membership discount: use discount code: MembersOnly25 for 25% off your first purchase of books from TrishLaub.com. 

Work one-on-one with Trish

Trish’s goal is to empower you with personalized guidance, creative solutions and any research needed to get you, and keep you, moving forward during every step of the caregiving journey.

Membership discount: 50% off the price of the one-hour initial consultation.

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Highlight of the Newest Content

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CareHero™ topics that nobody wants to talk about

Grab a cup of your favorite beverage, sit back, and let me help you on your CareHero™ journey. We will talk and share, we may laugh and we may share a tear or two, and we will always share A Cup of Comfort™.


Chat with Trish

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A Time for Questions, Topics, and Guests

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Updates on What’s Happening